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Finding the right buyer for real-estate in our current economy can be a challenge.   When it comes to connecting buyers and sellers we know a picture says so much more than words.  It stands to reason that potential buyers will appreciate moving pictures even more.

A video walk-through of a site, house or building can help potential buyers learn more about a piece of property than a few pictures.  It gives sellers and agents the ability to provide visual and verbal information about a property.  In addition, sellers have the opportunity to point out special features, details and views from a property that can be difficult to depict in still photographs.

Help buyers get a "feel" for a property.





Recent Projects


2009 - "Tastes Like Chicken"

Woodland Theater Production


2009 - Police Ground Tactics



2009 - Digital Memories Album

Clip Coming Soon!


2009 - Insurance Documentation of Personal Possessions


Panaview Productions z- All Rights Reserved 2008 -2009