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Affordable digital videography of your events builds your personal DVD library,  preserves memories and provides you with an easy way to share your content with others.

Pass around copies of your DVD or post your video content to Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, or other social media site.  We can produce your video in multiple formats.

Let us help you preserve memorable occasions and important events from family gatherings to important corporate board rooms.  If it's true that we only remember 10% of our most important life events while the other 90% fades, then we should take steps to record our memories.

We can help preserve graduation, sports events, parties, recitals, pageants, reunions and other family events.  We also produce training videos and short marketing clips.

Let us know how we can help you preserve more of your life memories.








Recent Projects


2009 - "Tastes Like Chicken"

Woodland Theater Production


2009 - Police Ground Tactics



2009 - Digital Memories Album

Clip Coming Soon!


2009 - Insurance Documentation of Personal Possessions


Panaview Productions z- All Rights Reserved 2008 -2009